this is my landscape drawing of a cone and the nature behind it. i learned how to make landscape drawings with chalk. the art elements involved are shading filling and shadowing it has a peaceful feeling of nature.

This is my other landscape drawing. It is of the treeline on the other side of the soccer field. I practiced how to make landscape drawings with chalk. the art elements involved are shading filling and shadowing it has an adventurous outdoor feeling to it.

Grade/self evaluation

I can upload on my website two separate  photographs with my finished drawings

I can draw big shapes to represent a landscape with foreground, middle-ground, back-ground & sky

I can create the illusion of three dimensions by using relative size, overlap and value changes. Things in front will be larger and more detailed

I can indicate light by using complementary colors for shadows and highlights

I can draw with the chalk and not smudge so I have a thickly drawn image with lots of contrast.

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